CEP250 Added CEP250 to ARNSHL genes (Kang et al., 2023). PKHD1L1 Added PKHD1L1 to ARNSHL genes (Redfield et al., 2024). USH1J Corrected the reference for USH1J to Riazuddin et al., 2012. STX4 (DFNB123) Added STX4 (DFNB123) to ARNSHL genes (Schrauwen et al., 2023). NCOA3 Corrected references for ADNSHL gene NCOA3 to Salazar-Silva et al., 2021. DFNA90 and DFNB122 Added OMIM locus identifiers DFNA90 for MYO3A and DFNB122 for TMTC4. Update 2/9/24 Moved "Auditory Neuropathy" page to "Nonsyndromic Hearing Loss" section.Added "Auditory neuropathy associated genes" count to front page.Updated "Total nonsyndromic hearing loss associated genes" count to include auditory neuropathy genes. Update 1/12/24 Added mitochondrial nonsyndromic hearing loss page with the following 9 genes:MT-CO1MT-ND1MT-RNR1MT-THMT-TIMT-TL1MT-TKMT-TS1MT-TS2Added otosclerosis page with the following genes:FOXL1 (OTSC11)SERPINF1 (unassigned) - disputedMEPE (unassigned)SMARCA4 (unassigned) TMTC4 Added ARNSHL gene TMTC4 (Li et al., 2023). Update 12/23/2023 Added evidence column to tables with ClinGen gene-disease validity classifications.Added 15 ADNSHL genes:ABCC1 (DFNA77)ATOH1 (DFNA89)ATP11A (DFNA84)ELMOD3 (DFNA81)EPHA10 (DFNA88)ESPN (unassigned)GJA1 (unassigned) - disputedGREB1L (DFNA80)MYO1C (unassigned) - disputedNCOA3 (unassigned)PI4KB (DFNA87) SLC44A4 (DFNA72)THOC1 (DFNA86)TMTC2 (unassigned) - disputedUSP48 (DFNA85)Added 9 ARNSHL genes:AFG2B (DFNB119)CEMIP (unassigned) - disputedCOCH (DFNB110)GDF6 (DFNB118)GOSR2 (unassigned)GPR156 (DFNB121)LRP5 (unassigned)MINAR2 (DFNB120)USH1G (unassigned) - disputedAdded 1 X-linked NSHL gene:GPRASP2 (DFNX7)Added 1 Y-linked NSHL gene:TBL1Y (DFNY2)Added 4 auditory neuropathy genes:AIFM1 (AUNX1)ATP11A (AUNA2)OTOF (AUNB1)TMEM43 (AUNA3)Added 1 Perrault syndrome gene:PEX6 (unassigned)Added 1 Stickler syndrome gene:COL9A3 (STL6)Added 1 Treacher Collins syndrome gene:POLR1B (TCS4)Added 1 Waardenburg syndrome gene:KITLG (WS2F)Checked and updated all links and references.Combined gene and locus tables.Corrected DFNB2C to "unassigned". Pagination First page « First Previous page ‹ Previous Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Next page Next › Last page Last »
Update 2/9/24 Moved "Auditory Neuropathy" page to "Nonsyndromic Hearing Loss" section.Added "Auditory neuropathy associated genes" count to front page.Updated "Total nonsyndromic hearing loss associated genes" count to include auditory neuropathy genes.
Update 1/12/24 Added mitochondrial nonsyndromic hearing loss page with the following 9 genes:MT-CO1MT-ND1MT-RNR1MT-THMT-TIMT-TL1MT-TKMT-TS1MT-TS2Added otosclerosis page with the following genes:FOXL1 (OTSC11)SERPINF1 (unassigned) - disputedMEPE (unassigned)SMARCA4 (unassigned)
Update 12/23/2023 Added evidence column to tables with ClinGen gene-disease validity classifications.Added 15 ADNSHL genes:ABCC1 (DFNA77)ATOH1 (DFNA89)ATP11A (DFNA84)ELMOD3 (DFNA81)EPHA10 (DFNA88)ESPN (unassigned)GJA1 (unassigned) - disputedGREB1L (DFNA80)MYO1C (unassigned) - disputedNCOA3 (unassigned)PI4KB (DFNA87) SLC44A4 (DFNA72)THOC1 (DFNA86)TMTC2 (unassigned) - disputedUSP48 (DFNA85)Added 9 ARNSHL genes:AFG2B (DFNB119)CEMIP (unassigned) - disputedCOCH (DFNB110)GDF6 (DFNB118)GOSR2 (unassigned)GPR156 (DFNB121)LRP5 (unassigned)MINAR2 (DFNB120)USH1G (unassigned) - disputedAdded 1 X-linked NSHL gene:GPRASP2 (DFNX7)Added 1 Y-linked NSHL gene:TBL1Y (DFNY2)Added 4 auditory neuropathy genes:AIFM1 (AUNX1)ATP11A (AUNA2)OTOF (AUNB1)TMEM43 (AUNA3)Added 1 Perrault syndrome gene:PEX6 (unassigned)Added 1 Stickler syndrome gene:COL9A3 (STL6)Added 1 Treacher Collins syndrome gene:POLR1B (TCS4)Added 1 Waardenburg syndrome gene:KITLG (WS2F)Checked and updated all links and references.Combined gene and locus tables.Corrected DFNB2C to "unassigned".
Added CEP250 to ARNSHL genes (Kang et al., 2023).
Added PKHD1L1 to ARNSHL genes (Redfield et al., 2024).
Corrected the reference for USH1J to Riazuddin et al., 2012.
STX4 (DFNB123)
Added STX4 (DFNB123) to ARNSHL genes (Schrauwen et al., 2023).
Corrected references for ADNSHL gene NCOA3 to Salazar-Silva et al., 2021.
DFNA90 and DFNB122
Added OMIM locus identifiers DFNA90 for MYO3A and DFNB122 for TMTC4.
Update 2/9/24
Update 1/12/24
Added ARNSHL gene TMTC4 (Li et al., 2023).
Update 12/23/2023